
Bibliotheca Catechetica: Thomas Bray on the Good of Good Books

Bibliotheca Catechetica: Thomas Bray on the Good of Good Books

Thomas Bray on catechetical libraries: “And this is the sole Occasion of the following Address to such as are piously disposed, especially if they be Rich, and without Children. Such Persons, Providence seems to have designed to be public Benefactors to Mankind; and there is none so Noble, so Compendious, so Immediate, and (in our present Circumstances) a Method of doing good so much wanted, as that of fixing Libraries of necessary Books for such of the Clergy, as cannot possibly Buy them.”

Proclaiming Christ to All the Nations, Including our Own

Proclaiming Christ to All the Nations, Including our Own

For Christians, Bediako claims, all religions (as traditions of response) are ultimately responding to the presence of the Holy Spirit, which is active in each religion to varying degrees. The question that the apologist or missionary might ask, then, is: What are the aspects of this particular matrix that point toward or away from Christ? More theologically: Where is the Holy Spirit already active in this religion, either leading people toward Christ or being prevented from doing so? Their task next is to “demonstrate how the Scriptural witness to the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, is the clue to the yearnings and quests in the religious lives of people.”