Cyril of Jerusalem

Recent Books on Patristic Catechesis

Recent Books on Patristic Catechesis

The patristic catechumenate has been the subject of several monographs over the past few years—and mostly, it seems, not for any interest in renewing contemporary catechesis but as an interesting historical subject in its own right. New Testament and Early Christian scholars are realizing—even apart from its significance for the church today—that catechesis was central to early Christianity. Here are summaries of five books from the past decade on patristic catechesis/catechumenate: Daniel Schwartz’s Paideia and Cult; Benjamin Edsall’s The Reception of Paul in Early Christian Initiation; David Voprada’s Quodvultdeus: A Bishop Forming Christians in Vandal Africa; and Matthieu Pignot’s The Catechumenate in Late Antique Africa; Donna Hawk Reinhold, Christian Identity Formation According to Cyril of Jerusalem.